Gustav Mahler Private University for Music (Klagenfurt)
Klaus Kuchling, artistic director
Stefanie Planton, staging and dances
Esther Planton, music education and stage assistant
Student assistants:
Theresa Aichner
Eva-Maria Fleischhacker
Eva Grujić
Helmut Schaumberger, music pedagogy and coordinator of the school performances
Ramona Hocker, project lead and scientific direction
We would like to thank all colleagues of the artistic disciplines, the institutes and the administration as well as the directions in the universities in Klagenfurt and Venice for the support of the project!
Cooperation partners
Conservatorio di Musica Benedetto Marcello, Venezia
Elena Mariastella Russo, project lead and coordination
Pädagogische Hochschule Kärnten: Hildegard Falkensammer, Nora Ulbing
The PENELOPE 25 logo and the design of the printed materials were created by S&L Graphikdesign
Website: Ramona Hocker